Youth Public Short Courses
The Learning Place is a Category 1 private training establishment (PTE) and the largest single provider of vocational training in the secondary school sector in Aotearoa. We provide alternative ways to support NCEA achievement by teaching tangible skills for learners to take into employment and life.
Our courses are designed to be relevant, engaging, and combine theoretical and practical learning. Interactive learning experiences and a range of engaging activities help learners understand and practise different concepts and skills. Assessments are created with a combination of unit standards that align with vocational pathway credits.
We now allow parents, caregivers, and students to register learners aged 16-19 for courses advertised around New Zealand.

Find a course
Explore our range of short courses that enable learners to earn credits towards NCEA.

Terms + Conditions
Read more to confirm that you meet the eligibility requirements for this course.

Our Kaiako
Our knowledgeable kaiako are warm, welcoming and equipped to meet learner needs.