School Courses
We are the largest provider of STAR and Gateway funded courses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Achievement rates for our courses are above the National average for NCEA.
One unique feature of our training is that we are able to come to you to deliver the range of courses we offer.
Our courses cover the majority of the six Vocational Pathway's strands.
Whether you are a rural area school in Northland, or a city school in Christchurch, we can deliver our courses to you. If you only have a handful of learners wanting to enrol on one of a courses, we work with other schools in the area to try and fill the course.
Our Kaiako have a wealth of knowledge, experience and training working with Secondary School Learners. We even have a suite of mobile espresso machines that we can bring into your school or into a venue near you to run our very popular Barista courses.
We offer a range of online courses that also align with the Vocational Pathways curriculum.