School Bookings

School Bookings

The Learning Place is a Category 1 private training establishment (PTE) and the largest single provider of vocational training in the secondary school sector in Aotearoa. We provide alternative ways to support NCEA achievement by teaching tangible skills for learners to take into employment and life.

Explore our short courses designed specifically for secondary school students. We work with School Coordinators to coordinate courses for your learners. We provide the training, course material, and assessment, working with you every step of the way. Utilise our venues or use your own to make it super easy for your learners to attend.

Our courses are relevant, engaging, and combine theoretical and practical learning. Interactive learning experiences and a range of engaging activities help learners understand and practise different concepts and skills. Assessments are created with a combination of unit standards that align with vocational pathway credits.

Find a course

Explore our range of short courses designed to build work-ready and essential skills.

School Prospectus

View and download our School Prospectus to explore our full range of short courses available.

Meet our Kaiako

Our knowledgable kaikao are warm, welcoming and equipped to meet learner needs.

The school enquiry process

Requesting a school course

Are you interested in us delivering a course for your learners? Simply select a course and complete the enquiry form to provide us with information like learner numbers, preferred dates, and venue preferences. To confirm a full school course, we usually require a minimum of 14 learners. Don't have 14 learners? Still enquire, as we can often combine your learners with other learners nearby.

Confirming a school course

Once your enquiry is received, we will check our schedule and liaise with you to find the best options that work for you.

Preferred dates

Our course dates fill up fast. The earlier you enquire about a course, the easier it is for us to meet your requested dates. Available dates depend on our kaiako availability and booking a suitable venue.

Choosing a venue

Often a space at your school is the best venue to deliver our courses. However, we use a range of venues across Aotearoa to suit the requirements of a specific course when needed.

Mixed school courses

If you need to merge with another school to reach 14 learners, we will share a calendar of enquiries from other schools. Filter by your region to find local schools. Then, check for a course you can join to meet the minimum numbers.

Next Steps

Your course booking will be confirmed. You will receive:

  • A pre-course workbook to distribute to learners.

  • An MOU to sign - this only needs signed once a year.

  • A request for learner names and information about relevant learning needs - The earlier we receive this information, the better.

Frequently asked questions

What resources will I need to organise?
We provide everything the course needs, except the kitchen sink, tables and chairs.

Are there any special requirements?
You can find this information in the “course requirements” section of each course page on the website or in the prospectus. As well as in your booking confirmation information. If the course venue is at your school, it must meet our course requirement needs.

What if learners are late or absent?
If you know learners will be late or absent, please let our office know so we can put a potential plan in place. If learners are late or absent for part of a course, they may not be able to achieve all unit standards offered.

What if learners have incomplete assessments?
If learners attend all of the course but still have written areas of assessment incomplete, this will be emailed back to the school for them to complete after the course.

When will I know the results?
We aim to have all results and resubmissions returned to you within 14 working days of course completion.

What if there is a resubmission required?
Any resubmissions will be attached in your results email. Please encourage learners to complete these within one month, then scan and email their resubmission back to us for marking.

Do learners get a certificate?

Digital certificates for each learner will be attached to the results email.

Who reports learner results to NZQA?
Once you have received learner results, please report these using your school’s credit reporting system.